The supply chain at ADVA Optical Networking with Philipp Lutzny and Marco Buhl at the Supply Chain Analytics conference

- Reduce administrative costs, support EBIT growth with increased scalability;
- Reduce E & O and carrying costs;
- Reduce freight spend;
- Minimize SKU count;
- Deliver on time in more than 95% of the time;
- Create maximum upside flexibility to support revenue generation;
- Reduce order lead time to less than 21 days.

- Manufacturing effectiveness (hardware / software separation & postponement factory, In-sourced vs. out-sourced and Lean program in manufacturing);
- Supplier effectiveness (Supplier lead time reduction and VMI program, Supplier lifecycle management program, R & D upstream sourcing and commodity management);
- Customer service effectiveness (Multi-site demand planning, E-2-E master data overhaul & segmented supply chain planning, Sales collaboration planning program).

Tags: Supply Chain Analytics 2015, Supply Chain Performance