The power of One Way, Our Way at the Annual HR Directors Business Summit 2016

The PERFORMANCE Management team was present at the HR Directors Business Summit in Birmingham, United Kingdom, between 2 – 4 February, 2016. Consequently, the insights gathered from experts present at the event had been gathered and exposed here, in a series of interviews and articles.
Regarding brands, value, customers and employees, Jeremy Campbell and Ashleigh Evans share their insights about “The power of One Way, Our Way”, within Ceridian UK and Ireland.
As Chief People Officer, Jeremy Campbell is responsible for developing all aspects of HR within Ceridian, including driving leadership and development activities throughout the business. As Talent and Engagement Manager, Ashleigh Evans is involved in the design, co-ordination and delivery of engagement strategies and communication.
The perspective that they’re bringing is quite an interesting and refreshing one: Dear Human Resources team, go make friends with the Marketing team! They bring together the customer lifecycle through Net Promoters Score (NPS) and the talent lifecycle through Employee Engagement (EE), under the purpose of brand connection. Basically, they give equal attention and treatment in this formula to both external customers and employees, as internal customers.
High Net Promoters Score + High Employee Engagement = High Brand Value
The message is quite clear: inside the company, employees experience the brand exactly as their customers do. This is exactly why they recommend putting together both the Marketing and HR teams, to create a common strategy. At least, that’s what they are doing and is bringing them success.
From the work of the HR and Marketing departments, they’ve projected a collaboration platform that supports the implementation of all the policies, projects and strategies they’ve come up with together. It would be quite awkward to see yourself as an organization that assists other organizations in making their employees’ work life better and not have an excellent one yourself.
Just to check if they talk the talk and walk the walk, go on and look at their website. The team presentation video confirms the spirit they’re espousing.
Have you ever considered putting together the Marketing and HR departments, to build up strategies for internal and external customers? I’d say it’s a perspective that shouldn’t be neglected at all.
Image sources:
- HR Directors Business Summit
- HR Directors Business Summit
- HR Directors Business Summit
- HR Directors Business Summit

Tags: HR Directors Business Summit, Human Resources performance, Individual Performance, Marketing performance