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The Organizational Strategic Training Plan


How to develop a training strategy?

In order to develop an organizational training strategy, we should take into consideration the following things: first off, the success of a training session in a company is not evaluated according to the number of actual participants and the number of training sessions offered; secondly, we should always take into consideration the fact that the training strategy itself is a vision, it gives focus and direction – it is an action-planning document. The main objective of a training session is to achieve success and reach the previously established goals. It is also important to note that this training strategy is aligned to the organizational strategy and allows its vision to be materialized.

The  components of a training strategy are split into:

  1. Competency Requirements that enhance –
  • Organization Influences (like Organization Design and Structure, Business Process Improvement, Change Management, Equity and Diversity and Organizational Values);
  • Training and Development Infrastructure and Systems (ensured by HR Management, Talent Management, Career Pathing, Service Provider Management, Succession Management etc);
  1. Skills Profiling (like the Training and Development Options: leadership development, professional development, skills development, team building, team development, executive coaching, mentoring, train the trainer etc).

The Competency Requirements and Skills Profiling are followed by strategic Objectives and Action Plans, the company’s vision and last but not least, by a Strategic Training and Development Plan.


What makes an organization’s training plan strategic?

In order to succeed as an organization, the key is to develop a strategic training plan.

But what does that entail? First, a strategy involves a plan, starting from a particular set of goals and values. In order to create such a training plan, we should take into consideration the alignment of a few related aspects such as:

Clear objectives and purposes: In order to start building a strategic training plan for an organization, we need to have clear, articulated and well-focused objectives and purposes.

Guided principles: Having guiding principles supports organizational values and directs the process in order to reach the goals.

The impact on the organization’s mission: A strategic training plan will influence the organization’s mission; it can either increase revenue, or shift the organizational focus.

Senior leaders’ and management involvement: If the training plan is to succeed, it needs the involvement and support of the company’s top management. They need to understand its importance and the fact that if they fail to offer their support, their staff will not partake in it either. Without top management and senior leaders taking matters seriously, the plan will crumble and shall have no impact on the company’s development.

Needs assessment: Every training program has to have a needs assessment strategy implemented, in order to tailor it to the requirements at hand. As such, we have to focus on two aspects: the degree of understanding on behalf of the participants and the expectations from chief staff and executives, in regards to this training session.

Desired Learning Outcomes: An organizational training strategy needs to focus on three key aspects:

  • Knowledge, in the form of desired learning outcomes – knowing what you want to learn about;
  • Attitudes – what perspective do you want to explore;
  • Skills – what should participants be able to do after the training.

Measurement and sustainability: These are two different aspects to take into consideration but they are interconnected, as we cannot obtain sustainability without measurement. We need to experiment with different types of measurement and make decisions based off of those results, using the necessary resources to reach our desired goals. Measurement and sustainability are both on a scale and it is up to each and every company to find the right point of balance for itself, since exceeding costs of measurement are generally counterproductive, but so is the complete lack thereof.

Performance assessment: In order for a training strategy plan to be successful, it has to be evaluated based on and connected to performance reviews. This means that the organization enhances its strategic orientation, because it ties in the skills granted by these training sessions to the development of its workforce.

Time frame: Time frame can vary a lot, depending mostly on the dynamics of change in the company – whether it needs updates or new elements implemented. It can vary from 1 – 3 months to 3 – 5 years, and it is one of the most important hints to take in order to see if one can implement the training session at his/her company. As an example, in management support, you need to ensure applicability and sustainability are two of your goals on a planned time frame, so as to maximize performance and efficiency.

 All in all, when considering an organizational strategy training plan, top management, senior leaders and trainers alike should take into consideration the goals and values of the company, along with its present status, and also any post-training expectations, in order to build and implement a successful training strategy.

Image source: Pixabay

Image source: Pixabay

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