The KPI Institute launches “Performance Management in 2013”
February 18th, 2014, Melbourne, Australia – The KPI Institute, the global authority on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) research and education, announces the launch of “Performance Management in 2013”, the second from a series of annual publications which provides an overview on the state of the discipline.
As Performance Management is continuously growing in popularity and maturity, assessing the exact position and development of the discipline each year is essential. The report Performance Management in 2013 is the result of a qualitative research study conducted in the period September 2013 – January 2014, by The KPI Institute. The research study used both primary and secondary sources.
The magazine covers a broad range of topics meant to provide an overview on the discipline, such as:
- Perspectives: 20 semi-structured interviews with practitioners, academics and consultants from all the continents;
- Around the World: 200 countries reviewed for performance related legislation;
- Trends in Search: the Google search popularity and media exposure of performance related keywords;
- Education: 20 relevant university degrees, 30 relevant university subjects, 22 performance related events;
- Career: Performance Manager and Strategy Manager jobs and salaries;
- Resources: 100 performance related bestselling books, 100 latest published books, 15, journal articles, 10 portals and 13 communities;
- Software: 50 softwares clustered by Gartner in three categories: Corporate Performance Management, Business Intelligence, Employee Performance Management.
Based on the belief that a discipline can only evolve through the combined efforts of practitioners, academics and consultants, the report presents interviews with a wide range of specialists from 18 countries, who offered rich insights into the state of the discipline in 2013. In order to provide a complete and comprehensive image, opinions from both private and public sector, from all the corners of the world are included in the report – from USA to Australia and from Nigeria to Malaysia.
The content was compiled in such manner as to provide opinions and extensive analysis through the interviews, as well as specific information through topics such as events, media exposure, resources and software.
The report is available in two formats:
- Electronic (free): view here
- Paper copy ($13): order here