The European Life Long Learning Index (ELLI) 2010
A recent study „The European ELLI Index 2010 – Making Lifelong Learning Tangible!“ presents the results of the European Lifelong Learning Index for 2010 and compares Europe’s progress in lifelong learning. The European Lifelong Learning Index (ELLI) is used on annual basis to measure the performance of learning throughout different stages and learning environments (school, community, work, home life).
This index measures learning in four domains based on the UNESCO framework completed by Jaques Delors:
- learning to know – formal education
- learning to do – vocational learning
- learning to live – learning for social cohesion
- learning to be – learning as personal growth.
ELLI is a Composite Index that compiles 36 indicators that reflect learning perspectives. This measurement instrument combines indicators and statistics in order to measure, monitor and analyze trends at regional and international level. Some of the indicators presents learning activities, such as:
- % Participation rate in formal and training courses
- % Employees participating in vocational training
- % Participation in active citizenship
- % Participation in cultural activities etc.
Besides the country comparison, the study illustrates the ELLI concept and methodology, as well as how fundamental interrelations between lifelong learning, social and individual wellbeing are taken account for in the index (ELLI, 2010).
Photo Source:
- Inclusion Europe
- ELLI (2010)

Tags: KPI, KPI in Practice, Life Long Learning, Report Analysis