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The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)


Indicators used to rank universities

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) is an international ranking system applied to universities around the world, being published starting with 2003, and updated on an annual basis, by the Center for World-Class Universities and the Institute of Higher Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

The last published academic ranking report was realized for the year 2009, and it contains the top 100, reaching up to  500 universities of the world. More than 1000 universities are actually ranked annually by ARWU and only the best 500 are published on the web.

In order to rank world universities, ARWU uses six indicators:

  • # Alumni winning Noble Prizes and Fields Medals
  • # Staff winning Noble Prizes and Fields Medals
  • # Highly cited researchers selected by Thomson Scientific
  • # Articles published in journals of Nature and Science
  • # Articles indexed in Science Citation Index – Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index
  • # Per capita performance with respect to the size of the institution

Other international universities rankings are: (eab group, 2010) provides its users with a comprehensive library of Academic Education KPIs in practice, how universities monitor their performance.


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