For the report Performance Management in 2013, The KPI Institute conducted 20 semi-structured interviews with practitioners, academics and consultants from 18 countries, who offered a detailed image of Performance Management as a discipline in the analyzed year.
An important editorial rule followed in the development of the content is that a discipline can only evolve through the combined efforts of practitioners, academics and consultants. Paolo Panza, Performance Manager at Ericsson Network Services, Italy was one of the practitioners that The KPI Institute interviewed.
For the report Performance Management in 2013, The KPI Institute conducted 20 semi-structured interviews with practitioners, academics and consultants from 18 countries, who provided rich insights into the state of Performance Management as a discipline.
One of the most important editorial rules followed in the development of the content is that a discipline can only evolve through the combined efforts of practitioners, academics and consultants. Andrés Felipe Molina Orozco, Director and Consultant of Tracest Consulting Group, Colombia was one of the consultants that The KPI Institute has interviewed.
The HRSS & Outsourcing Summit ended on 21st of May with The KPI Institute presentation on KPIs, Scorecard and Dashboard for HR facilitated by Cristina Tărâță, Research Coordinator.
This year, The KPI Institute is one of the Media Partners for the 15th HR Shared Services & Outsourcing Summit, an important event for HR professionals that takes place every year in the USA. Furthermore, Cristina Tarata, our Research Coordinator will share some of the best practices in working with KPIs during the session KPIs, Scorecards and Dashboard for HR in the last day of conference.
For the report Performance Management in 2013, The KPI Institute conducted 20 semi-structured interviews with practitioners, academics and consultants from 18 countries, who offered a detailed image on the state of Performance Management as a discipline.
Richard Tordjaman, Strategic Advisor Business IT at Desjardins , Canada was one of the practitioners that The KPI Institute interviewed.