KPI of the Day – State Government: % Tax collected on time

Measures the percentage of successful tax collection on-time.
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Measures the percentage of successful tax collection on-time.
E-commerce is one of the longest-standing, foundational business models in the ever-growing digital landscape. It’s hard to imagine, for instance, that Amazon—a once tiny seller of books—is now 24 years old and has made its founder, Jeff Bezos, one of the wealthiest humans in the world.
A recent International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) & The World Bank report, Doing Business 2011: Making a difference for entrepreneurs, presents a series of quantitative indicators on business regulation and the protection of property rights in 183 economies, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. This year’s edition is the eighth in a series of annual reports benchmarking the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it.