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Posts Tagged ‘Sustainability performance’

On Corporate social performance and Corporate financial performance with Sylvia Grewatsch and Ingo Kleindienst – PMA 2014 Conference


Sylvia Grewatsch and Ingo Kleindienst– PMA 2014 Conference

On the second day of the PMA 2014 Conference, the Associate Professor of Strategy Ingo Kleindienst and the PhD fellow Sylvia Grewatsch, from Aarhus University, held a presentation named “When Does It Pay to be Good? Moderators and Mediators in the Corporate Sustainability Performance – Corporate Financial Performance Relationship: A Review”.

Insights from Mark Finster on Integrated approach to sustainability – PMA 2014 Conference



The second day of the PMA 2014 Conference started with the keynote presentation “An integrated approach to sustainability: how organizations generate innovative performance dimensions, benefits, and strategies that create new sustainable business models and expand traditional dimensions of quality, cost and customer”, held by Professor Mark Finster, of the Wisconsin School of Business.

On measuring sustainability with Raine Isaksson, Mikael Johnson and Rickard Garvare at the PMA 2014 Conference


Raine Isaksson, Mikael Johnson and Rickard Garvare at the PMA 2014 Conference

The presentation “The Crippled Bottom Line – Measuring Sustainability” was offered in the second day of the PMA 2014 Conference by Raine Isaksson, Senior Lecturer in Quality Management at Uppsala University, Mikael Johnson, Associate Professor in Business Administration at Karlstad University and Rickard Garvare, Professor of Quality Management at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.

Sustainability leaders according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index


Dow Jones Sustainability Index

A cooperation of S&P Dow Jones Indices and RobecoSAM, the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) are the first indicators tracking financial performance of the leading sustainability-driven companies on a global scale. The indices integrate an evaluation of economic, social and environmental criteria that are especially targeted at shareholder value in the long run.

How is Samsung doing it? Good Practices on Performance Management


Performance Management at Samsung

People. Excellence. Change. Integrity. Co-prosperity. Social responsibility. These are some of the principles that create the management philosophy at Samsung.

The digital age has brought many changes for Samsung Electronics, beyond its futuristic products. Performance, in all its shapes, has become both means and purpose.


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