KPI of the Day – Sustainability: % Managers who are women

Measures the number of women who are managers at different seniority levels relative to the total size of the organization’s management team.
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Measures the number of women who are managers at different seniority levels relative to the total size of the organization’s management team.
Measures the number of sponsorship projects undertaken by an organization, usually as part of its corporate social responsibility policies.
Measures the amount of wastewater that has been treated to remove solid particles and impurities and is reused for different purposes, such as agricultural and landscape irrigation, industrial processes, toilet flushing, and replenishing a groundwater basin.
Measures the number of projects or initiatives an organization implements in order to promote environmental responsibility, within or outside the organization.
Sustainability of operations represents a hot topic in all industries, particularly in tourism, where due to an increasing interest of general tourists in topics related to sustainability and environmental awareness, the borders between ecotourism and mass tourism are fading.