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On the third day of the PMA 2014 Conference, Krister Bredmar, from the University of Gothenburg’s School of Business, presented his research study, dubbed “What about municipal strategic management and performance measurement”.
The presentation “Strategic decisions creation-implementation process: An empirical study“ was offered, on the third day of the PMA 2014 Conference, by researcher Samer Abdulhadi and Andrey Pavlov, Lecturer in Business Performance Management at Cranfield University.
Another presentation brought by the 2nd day of the PMA 2014 Conference approached one of the topics that most participants and speakers showed interest in – “A sustainable strategy model” and was offered by Assistant Professor Ole Friis, Assistant Professor Jens Holmgren and Professor Jacob Eskildsen, from the Aarhus University in Denmark.
The presentation “How managers use performance measurement in strategy making” was held on the second day of the PMA 2014 Conference by Mike Bourne, Professor of Business Performance and Gillian Pratt, PhD Student, from Cranfield University’s School of Business.