The nuclear industry is one of the most sensitive and demanding fields, where besides technological advancements, a high focus is also placed on safety and reliability. Therefore, monitoring performance in this area can prove to be a requirement, more than a choice.
As one of the most culturally comprehensive and diverse universities in the world, Webster University has devised a Strategic Plan to fit its global perspective on academic excellence. The university’s newly formulated plan embraces the institution’s global vision on an international student experience that leads to successful professional formation.
Back in 2016, the Performance Magazine editorial team interviewed Michael J. Sutton, Chief Gamification Officer/Chief Knowledge Officer at Funification LLC, United States of America, for the “Performance Management in 2015: North America Special Edition” report. His thoughts and views on Performance Management are detailed below.
The goal of Performance Management is to increase the clarity of strategic, tactical, and operational thinking, employee job satisfaction, and organizational commitment.
Before the invention of the Balanced Scorecards, organizations and companies used financial and/or quality operations and programs to measure how well they performed.
Up to this day, the U.S.A Swimming Team has won a total of 520 Olympic medals, 220 of which are gold, giving the country a sturdy lead in the international event. The runner-up, Australia, has won only 171 medal.