Communicating with the Balanced Scorecard – Interview with Paul Moody, CEO at Britvic, UK

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Professional Services have some particularities that make them different from commercial activities in many respects, such as:
The Health Foundation, the independent charity working to achieve high quality healthcare for people in the UK, has celebrated this year the conclusion of one of their main research programs: Quest for Quality and Improved Performance (QQUIP).
Performance Management is one of the most dynamic business disciplines today. Its evolution accelerated over the last 20 years and due to the large number of concepts it employs and unstructured body of knowledge, having a comprehensive view of the current state of its evolution is rather challenging. One way of achieving this is by monitoring the pulse of the discipline as reflected in studies and survey reports covering performance management topics (Brudan, 2010).
Innovation is probably one of the most common words in the business “arena”. Even in these tough times, surprising and extraordinary innovation efforts take place in businesses across the globe. CEOs are recognizing the power and potential of innovative ideas: “We can innovate and differentiate only by investing in R&D.” (Infotech, 2010)