6 pillars of the Performance Measurement Framework

In the latest research study (2015) initiated by The KPI Institute, 42% of professionals admitted to using the Balanced Scorecard.
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In the latest research study (2015) initiated by The KPI Institute, 42% of professionals admitted to using the Balanced Scorecard.
“Connect the dots between individual roles and the goals of the organization. When people see that connection, they get a lot of energy out of work. They feel the importance, dignity, and meaning in their job.” – Ken Blanchard, author and management expert.
Non-executive boards seem to have been left behind in terms of performance measurement, as there are few insights into how this process can be optimized, in order to increase boards’ effectiveness and to make sure they lead organizations towards success.
Over the last decades, more and more organizations have broken the boundaries of traditional, financial-based performance measurement, and started using KPIs for monitoring other activities as well. Furthermore, assessing individual and team performance has become a common practice in organizations where leveraging talent can represent a competitive advantage. Evaluating board performance is important, as this entity is responsible for ensuring that the organization’s desired state of evolution is successfully reached.
The concept of organizational culture is believed to be one of the most discussed topics when studying organizational performance. By calibrating an organization’s culture to the values and general principles encountered among its employees, a company can set the context needed for employees to perform and thus, to obtain the expected results.