Performance Magazine Portrait Feature: Marcela Presecan
When it comes to finance and business management, few people within the TKI family can boast a more impressive path to professionalism than our Head of Research, Marcela Presecan.
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When it comes to finance and business management, few people within the TKI family can boast a more impressive path to professionalism than our Head of Research, Marcela Presecan.
Between the 18th – 19th of November, 2019, the University of Padua, Italy, co-hosted in partnership with the Performance Management Association (PMA), the Performance Measurement and Management In Industry 4.0 Symposium.
Have you ever had an idea worth sharing with the world? If the answer to this question is “yes’, then you almost certainly own a blog or personal website. Blogs, and personal websites for that matter, have recently become very useful to performance, especially as personal marketing and promotion tools.
Lifelogging refers to tracking data about your personal life and trying to find valuable information in order to improve your habits and your way of living.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are an important tool for businesses, enabling organizations to measure their results and to compare them against pre-set goals. If well designed and implemented, KPIs