According with a recent article published by Harding (2010) in the Financial Times citing Google’s Chief Economist, Hal Varian, Google is currently developing and testing a new daily measure of inflation using web data.
Google Price Index (GPI) is envisaged to provide accurate daily statistics of the inflation trends for the products and services transacted via web, and could one day provide an alternative to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), once with the generalization of the online shopping.
The Thomson Reuters 100 Top Hospitals: National Benchmarks is an annual, quantitative study dedicated to measuring performance across the industry, that identifies the best hospitals in USA, overall, as measured on the 100 Top Hospitals Balanced Scorecard.
In a recent report, CERISE (Comité d’Echanges, de Réflexion et d’Information sur les Systemes d’Epargne-crédit) presents the progress of social performance assessment during the past few years, being influenced by social audits, social ratings and reporting standards.
According to a recent article published in several high rated Australian newspapers, „ the days of the bank boardrooms being the domain solely of suits and ties could soon be at an end” (Johnston and Bibby, 2010). This comes as a result of several banks such as Westpac and Commonwealth Bank who announced new policies to dramatically boost the number of women in management roles.
Working with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) requires selecting a group of relevant KPIs first. There are many options for this: start with a blank page, review other sources, or get someone else (such as a consultant) to do this for you among others.