As promised, it is time to look at the specific objectives for ‘horizontal’ activities, which are framed in a multi annual perspective, aiming at supporting SCIC’s core activities.
They are divided, at their turn, in two categories:
It turned into a clear sentiment in the last years, especially since measuring performance in any economy field became a souring concern both for managers and workforce, that education, as part of a living and healthy economy, needs to develop its own measuring and evaluation standards.
DG Interpretation, also known as SCIC (Service Commun Interprétation-Conférences) is the interpreting service and conference organizer of the European Commission, but the interpretation provided actually goes beyond the needs of the Commission, as it ‘serves’ the requests of several other bodies within the EU: the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of Regions, the European Investment Bank, as well as a number of European Offices and agencies in the Member States. The truth is there’s more here than meets the eye.
For a lively and ever-changing industry in terms of product and service offers such as tourism industry, the general term of “quality” stands for the very cornerstone of each business run in this segment. A variety of tools have been developed so far in this respect, all of them directed to evaluating and measuring customer satisfaction by direct or indirect methods, such as surveys.
Among other responsibilities, Governments have to guarantee peace and stability in the land, by assuring the enforcement of law and order. Along with this comes the need for an effective and well managed prison system.