Due to globalization and to the development of the World Wide Web, new markets have become available. In this situation, the brand has gained a significant value. The brand is represented by a logo, a slogan, the company’s overall image.
The desired result from branding is to project this image into the mind of a customer. When a client starts the purchase decision making process, the first things that should come into his mind are the organizational brand, the logo and the products.
Ensuring public safety is the ultimate goal of any police authority. This translates into actions that have to be taken towards the achievement of this goal. Scotland Police seems to have found the way of managing these actions. In 2007, they developed The Scottish Policing Performance Framework, which ensures a national model for the measurement and reporting of performance information.
The Welsh Government has approved legislation that requires local authorities in the country to “make arrangements to secure continuous improvement” regarding the services they provide to the community. This means that they must plan and forecast for attaining local and national set improvement objectives.
The RIN Grand Hotel is fairly accessible, being located in the south east of Bucharest, 7 km away from the city center. On the website, they are proudly stating that they offer “excellent service designed to meet any request, ensuring a unique experience”, regardless of your visit purpose.
The automotive industry is a term that covers a wide range of companies and organizations involved in the design, development, manufacturing, marketing and selling of motor vehicles. It is one of the most competitive industries, as well as a huge employer of skilled workforce and a key driver of knowledge and innovation. Therefore, more and more companies within the automotive industry are developing Performance Management systems in order to increase and efficiently appraise their performance.