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Posts Tagged ‘Performance Measurement’

PLS Satisfaction Surveys and the duality solution – brought by John Vestergaard Olesen, Jacob Kjær Eskildsen, at the 2014 PMA Conference


John Vestergaard Olsesen, Jacob Kjoer Eskildsen PMA 2014 Conference

On the 26th of June, the second day of the 2014 PMA Conference, brought a presentation called “Duality Solution in PLS Satisfaction Surveys” authores by Associate Professor John Vestergaard Olesen  and Professor Jacob Kjær Eskildsen, of ICOA and the AU Herning, Aarhus University.

Exploring Performance Measurement Systems with Juhani Ukko, Sanna Pekkola, Oona Takala and Hannu Rantanen, at the 2014 PMA Conference


Juhani Ukko PMA 2014 Conference

The second day of the 2014 PMA Conference, brought a presentation dubbed “Exploring Performance Measurement Systems in a Service Context”, authored by Juhani Ukko, Sanna Pekkola, Oona Takala, Hannu Rantanen, all researchers at the Lappeenranta University of Technology, School of Industrial Engineering and Management, of the Lahti School of Innovation.

Ahmad Maharma and Yahya Saleh present the development of a business performance management model, at the 2014 PMA Conference


Ahmad Maharma Yahya Saleh PMA 2014 Conference

On the 2nd day of the PMA 2014 Conference Ahmad Maharma along with Dr. Yahya Saleh, Assistant Professor at the Industrial Engineering Department of the Palestinian An-Najah National University presented the development of the business performance management model for the Patel Group.

Barbara Krumay, Stefan Bauer, Sebastian Margiol, bringing measurement beyond financial performance, at the 2014 PMA Conference


Sebastian Margiol PMA 2014 Conference

Dr. Barbara Krumay, Stefan Bauer and Mag. Sebastian Margiol from the Institute for Information Management and Control of the Vienna University presented a paper titled “Measurement Beyond Financial Performance: Security and Privacy”, on the second day of the 2014 PMA Conference.

Managing and measuring human capital performance with KPIs


Measuring human capital performance with KPIs

In today’s challenging business environment, it is a prerequisite to achieve a human capital advantage in order to ensure business success. This has led to an interest in the development of tools to measure the value and impact of human capital. Some of the human capital Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and their possible uses are listed in the graphic above.


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