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Posts Tagged ‘Performance Measurement’

On factors affecting Performance measurement, with Heather Keathley, Eileen Van Aken and Geert Letens at the PMA 2014 Conference


Heather Keathley, Eileen Van Aken and Geert Letens at the PMA 2014 Conference

On the third day of the PMA 2014 Conference, the presentation “Review of Factors Affecting Performance Measurement System Implementation“ was offered by Heather Keathley and Eileen Van Aken, from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, along with Geert Letens, of the Department of Economics, Management and Leadership at the Royal Military Academy, Belgium.

About performance measurement communication with Carina Larsson, Kristine Säfsten and Anna Syberfeldt at the PMA 2014 Conference


Carina Larsson, Kristine Säfsten and Anna Syberfeldt at the PMA 2014 Conference

The second day of the PMA 2014 Conference brought the presentation “Performance measurement communication supporting lean production in SMEs”, held by Carina Larsson, PhD student at School of Engineering, Jönköping University, Kristina Säfsten, associate professor at School of Engineering,  Jönköping University and Anna Syberfeldt, senior researcher at School of Engineering Science, University of Skövde.

Discussing the Role of Performance Measurement in Developing Industrial Services with Sanna Pekkola, Minna Saunila, Tero Rantala and Juhani Ukko, at the 2014 PMA Conference


Sanna Pekkola 2014 PMA Conference

On the second day of the 2014 PMA Conference, Sanna Pekkola, Senior Researcher at Lahti School of Innovation, of the Lappeenranta University of Technology in Finland, along with Researchers Minna Saunila, Tero Rantala and Professor Juhani Ukko, of the same school, held a presentation that looks into the role of performance measurement within industrial services.


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