Negative side effects produced by the target-setting process include a rise in unethical behavior, a practice whose incidence has increased recently times. Unethical behavior, according to The KPI Institute, represents the process of influencing results through unapproved means in order to ensure target achievement.
At the beginning of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, speculations were, as always, intense about who is going to win, this time around. As the most important sporting event in the football world was about to start, the sheer number of global audiences it gathers was bound to lead to a vast array of biased or unbiased predictions for its final outcome. Needless to say, it most definitely did.
Throughout the years, the healthcare industry has become increasingly more complex due to technological and medical evolution and, as a result, it is characterized today by an overwhelming amount of information. Therefore, hospitals require an efficient information system that will enable the proper management of all these requirements.
The presentation “Future of Performance Management and Measurement. An empirical evidence” was offered, on the third day of the PMA 2014 Conference, by Sai Nudurupati, Senior Lecturer at the Manchester Metropolitan University, Patrizia Garengo, Lecturer in the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padua, Umit Bititci, Professor & Director of the School of Management and Languages from the Herriot Watt University and Alberto Sardi, also from the Department of Industrial Engineering, of the University of Padua.
The presentation “Performance Measurement Systems and Organisational Performance: literature review“ was brought, on the third day of the PMA 2014 Conference, by Magdalena Pârţac and Lester Lloyd-Reason, from the Anglia Ruskin University, along with Francis Greene from Birmingham University.