Every day, there are millions of cash transactions taking place around us. The entities that allow for these cash transactions to be conducted in secure conditions are commercial banks. The reason that banks can provide this security is not that they are blessed with the necessary infrastructure to do so, but because we, as people, gradually discovered the need for such an infrastructure.
When we think of commercial banks, we envision money-making machines, and some people use this expression figuratively. This may arise from the popular misconception that banks outlive entire systems because they print out money whenever they feel close to bankruptcy.
The Business Consulting industry is an economic sector characterized by one of the greatest levels of added value produced. Unlike production, for example, Business Consulting is able to produce large amounts of income, with rather low consumption of resources.
We use ratings in our daily lives more often than you might expect. We look to Yelp for restaurant ratings, to Rotten Tomatoes for movie ratings; we can even find ratings on medical doctors and university professors. We ask people to rate our seminars and training events. Everywhere, ratings have snuck into decision-making processes in our everyday lives.
By identifying what differentiates it from its competitors, as well as by acknowledging its main capabilities, an organization can set the objectives that have to be attained in order to reach its vision. A performance-focused organization will formulate its objectives and map its strategy, in order to identify cause and effect links that turn assets into desired outcomes.
Many organizations from around the world present their purposeful identities to the general public by using elements such as vision, mission and value statements.