PMA 2012 Conference – University of Cambridge – UK – Day 1 in pictures

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Date: Tuesday, May 8th, 12:00pm – 1:00pm ESTz Guest Speaker: Aurel Brudan, CEO of Audience: Executives, Senior Property Management
85% of organizational problems can be attributed to processes and management, while workers are responsible for only 15%.
Learn how Operations Performance Management will clarify your business objectives, focus your employees on the activities that matter, and have tenants singing your praises. Learn More!
Operations Performance Management is a strategy that provides real estate organizations with real-time visibility into performance in service responsiveness, asset maintenance, risk management and employee productivity as measured against set goals. Ultimately, empowering them to prove service delivery and make performance adjustments when they will have the most impact.
The final day of the Balanced Scorecard Saudi Arabia 2011 continued on the same note as the previous day, with presentations of best practice Balanced Scorecard implementation and utilization.
Day 3 and 4 of the Balanced Scorecard Saudi Arabia 2011 where dedicated to Balanced Scorecard case studies presentations delivered by top representatives of KSA, GCC and international organizations.
We are pleased to recommend you The Winter School in Managing Dynamic Complexity in the Public Sector: a System Dynamics-based Balanced Scorecard Approach, a course offered by the University of Palermo (Italy) with the support of School of Government, University of North Carolina (USA).