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Posts Tagged ‘Performance Management’

Why cascade KPIs across the organization?


cascading KPIs

The expression “cascading KPIs” has become increasingly common in the world of performance management, but it is sometimes misunderstood. Cascading represents translating and aligning organizational objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from strategic level down to departmental level and finally, to individual level.

Expert Interview – Isela Hernandez, Strategy Management Officer, Cinepolis Corporativo, Mexico


Isela Hernandez Interview Performance Management in 2012For the report Performance Management in 2012, The KPI Institute conducted 12 semi-structured interviews with practitioners, academics and consultants, who offered a detailed image on the state of Performance Management as a discipline.

Isela Hernandez, Strategy Management Officer at Cinepolis Corporativo, Mexico, was one of the practitioners that The KPI Institute interviewed.

Expert Interview – Feng Cai Qiu, Executive Director/Senior Partner, Singapore Empower Consulting Group Pte, China


Feng Cai Qiu Interview Performance Management in 2012For the report Performance Management in 2012, The KPI Institute conducted 12 semi-structured interviews with practitioners, academics and consultants, who created a detailed image of Performance Management as a discipline.

Dr. Feng Cai Qiu, Executive Director/Senior Partner at Singapore Empower Consulting Group Pte, China was one of the consultants that The KPI Institute interviewed.

Expert Interview – Sujay Nair, Lecturer-Enterprise Performance Management, The University of Melbourne, Australia


Sujay Nair Interview Performance Management in 2012For the report Performance Management in 2012, The KPI Institute conducted 12 semi-structured interviews with practitioners, academics and consultants, who offered a detailed image on the state of Performance Management as a discipline.

Sujay Nair, Lecturer-Enterprise Performance Management at The University of Melbourne, Australia was one of the academics that The KPI Institute interviewed.

Performance management in the spa industry


Performance management in the spa industry

Spas were initially an area of service provided by expensive hotels, but they have now separated into independent businesses, growing into an entire industry. Companies in this field are aware of the benefits of performance management and they have implemented Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure their results and achieve their goals.


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