Among the individual levels evaluations that take place within organizations, the most frequent ones, after employee satisfaction, you have employee engagement reviews. Even if engagement is first of all dictated by one’s intrinsic motivation, organizations can also contribute to its development and maintain it within a desired range by building a corporate culture based on engagement.
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is the organization responsible for tax revenue collection and benefit administration. Its unique approach is the one that guides its path to performance:
Performance management is about planning, doing, checking and acting. In other words, it involves formulating a plan of activities, establishing a set of objectives, setting key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure performance, and appraising actual performance. Therefore, managers direct the discussion towards key concepts such as objectives, goals, KPIs, desired state of evolution and outcomes. The ultimate goal is to help organizations reach top performance at different organizational levels.
Discussions on data visualization have rapidly increased over the last years as more executives, managers, analysts and basically everybody, wish for a better understanding of the raw data behind every day dashboards, scorecards or presidential poll results. The struggle is to bring the raw data to life in a simple and comprehensible manner.
Google Trusted Stores is an initiative that aims to provide the best shopping experience for online customers. A satisfied customer is a winning point for both the merchant and Google. Moreover, setting quality standards for web purchases raises confidence among online shoppers.