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Posts Tagged ‘Organizational Performance’

Improving Business Performance through Health and Safety Improvement


health and safety

It’s essential for every business to protect its workers from injury and illness while in the workplace. Providing workers with the necessary information and equipment will safeguard both their health and safety, thus boosting their motivation and this will make them concentrate on delivering better results to your business. That is why every company needs to improve the health and safety of its workers to enhance their performance.

In this article, we are going to look over several ways of improving business performance through health and safety improvement.

Train your employees

Employees require proper training if the type of job they are handling is associated with many risks which may result in various kinds of injuries. You need to equip them with clearly written instructions as well as safe work procedures where they can refer to when they have a doubt concerning a particular task or if they have forgotten some parts of their training.

Supervise your workers to ensure they are using the skills they learned during training to perform their functions safely and diligently. Failure to provide adequate training to your employees means that you are endangering their safety and you will be held accountable if your workers suffer fatal injuries at the workplace.

“We live in an increasingly digitized world, and this should be reflected in your health and safety systems. The days of paper-based systems are gone: they are lacking in security, efficiently and are simply not fit for purpose.” – David Rowland, Head of Effective Software

This is perhaps why many now recommend using health and safety software to keep track of your business’s needs in this area.

Inspect your workplace

Regular inspection of tools and equipment is essential to ensure that they are safe to use and are kept in the right place. Always ensure your workers are following the outlined safety procedures when handling the equipment, check the storage areas and ensure the tools are appropriately stored as described in the manual.

Make sure that everything is in order and the workers are well guided on how to do various tasks such as lifting heavy materials without sustaining injuries. Also, ensure they know where the fire exit is and where they should assemble in the event of a fire.

Draft a plan to promote workplace health and safety

As an employer and also a business owner you need to spot dangers at your workplace and come up with practical ways to get rid of them. It’s advisable to draft a safety plan.

Inform your employees of what is required of them and the steps you are taking to ensure their safety. Ensure first aid kits are accessible to the workers.

Maintain records

It’s advisable for you as an employer to keep records of inspections, first aid treatments, different incident under investigation and training programs.

This data can enable you to identify hazardous conditions or workplace procedures that need to be observed to minimize the workplace risks which may lead to injuries.

Speak to your employees regularly

Always interact with your employees and staff and try to talk about health and safety issues. Motivate them to participate by sharing their thoughts and what they think needs to be done to enhance safety at their workplace.

It’s good to ensure your staff are well trained and equipped with first aid kits to prepare them to handle emergencies which may arise at the workplace.

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Linking the gamification model to organizational performance


gamification model

In order to gain a competitive edge, organizations focus more and more on objectives and metrics. Gamification comes as a solution to sustain organizational growth by linking objectives and employees in an engaging environment. In an article published by Burke, B. in Forbes, it is shown that by 2015, 40% of organizations will use gamification as the primary mechanism to transform business operations.


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