By leveraging on the tremendous dynamic of nowadays technology development, more and more companies focus on the strategic role of continuous education of their employees while adopting e-learning tools to enhance their competences and knowledge.
According to the Global Innovation Index (GII), a vital innovation driver within a country is represented by the educational achievements and results of its youth. However, school education is not necessarily focused on developing innovation skills, and those systems that barely target test-based academic performance of students who join science and technology subjects are not those that will foster creativity, critical thinking, and the necessary communication skills that are desired by an innovative society.
For some years now, the massive scale of IT based organizations has become a source of inspiration and best practices in driving growth for almost any other type of company around the world. What is specific for the IT&C operating model is the way of driving strategic value by working in a project based system.
The procurement cycle comprises key steps that a company should make in order to obtain products or services. Management should understand that this process is becoming more of an art instead of an automated process. It is the road to success for responsible management, when handling public or corporate funds. It starts from identifying the correct needs of the company, to the final step of granting the product, or contract, to a certain supplier, all these, ultimately leading to increased profits.
The CEO Agenda Insights research study performed by Gartner, in 2015, indicates that IT investments have increased since last year and 50% of them are now dedicated to business intelligence analytics tools. These statistics reveal an increased interest in terms of collecting and processing big data volumes.