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Posts Tagged ‘Leadership Capability’

Leaders: from visionaries to role-models


Nowadays, more and more business start-ups spring all around the word, as the mentality regarding success has changed over the past decade. However, the person in charge of that business is not always the right leader for it. The entrepreneurs are certainly creative visionaries, but not all of them are capable of running the company they started. A business idea represents only the first bricks on which a business / company will be built.

Attaining high performance through smart leadership



The phrase ”employees quit leaders not organization” is quite popular among HR professionals and it is not just an assumption. In 2005, Leigh Branham identified this issue by surveying 20,000 employees: leadership has a significant impact on staff retention.

Leaders not only influence how much time an employee spends in the organization, but also how well the individual performs. The human capital is a critical resource for an organization and can be transformed into a valuable competitive advantage. But how can leaders ensure that employees will perform at their best?


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