Located at a point of convergence of three continents, Africa, Asia and Europe, the Arab Republic of Egypt, has experienced a consistent economic growth since the early 1990s, such growth was temporarily interrupted during the 2011-2012 Egyptian Spring Revolution, but soon recovered during the following fiscal years, reaching momentum during the fiscal year 2017-2018, experiencing the highest economic growth rate in 10 years, at 5.3%.
Measures the ratio between the total value of accounts receivables and the total billed revenue from utility services, provided and billed during the reporting period, i.e. quarter, semester, annual.
The # System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) measures the average number of sustained supply interruptions a customer experiences during a reporting period.
Measures the proportion of packaging material that is made from recycled paper. Paperboard packaging includes corrugated cardboard, cartons, and boxboard.