KPI examples in practice: Yarra Trams – Melbourne – Australia

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With an estimated number of 122.566 establishments of all kinds (public, academic and school libraries) only in the Unites States (American Library Association, 2010), the public library sector is of major importance for the long-term development of the mankind, collecting and making available for use valuable sources of information people need and use in all-related aspects of life.
Performance measurement and reporting for control is not the sole purpose of tracking results against targets. One of its very important dimensions is that of enhancing accountability towards stakeholders; in private-owned organizations, reporting is directed mostly to shareholders and managers, whereas in governmental institutions, communication is directed towards the entire community served.
Maintenance is the subcategory of the Production functional area that deals with the technical and administrative aspects of assuring that an item can perform its required functions during its life cycle.
Tracking Key Performance indicators (KPIs) provides relevant feedback for the current state of organizational performance. KPIs also assist in the decision making process regarding actions that need to be taken to improve future performance. Measuring performance is a key organizational process that can be enhanced by making smart decisions about the frequency of measurement. It is highly important to know how often to track and report using KPIs.