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Posts Tagged ‘Key Performance Indicator’

Integrating KRIs and KPIs for comprehensive performance and risk management


Imagine a manufacturing plant aiming to maintain operational excellence while facing potential safety hazards every day. In such a scenario, tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as production efficiency and output is needed for assessing performance. However, without considering key risk indicators (KRIs) like workplace incidents or equipment failure rates, the plant may overlook critical safety concerns until they become costly disruptions or accidents. 

Integrating KPIs and KRIs enables the plant to proactively manage both performance and risk and ensure smooth operations while prioritizing employee safety. Overall, this integration is essential for promoting ongoing improvement and awareness of risks within the organization.

The KPI Institute defines KPI as a measurable expression for the achievement of a desired level of results in an area relevant to the evaluated entity’s activity. KRI is a measure used to evaluate the likelihood of an event’s probability and consequences that could exceed the organization’s risk appetite and significantly harm the success of the organization.

While most organizations rely heavily on KPIs, rooted in historical data, these may offer limited insight into future threats. KRIs modify the narrative by beginning with a proactive framework for risk management and developing measurements around prospective pitfalls in the future.

Improving risk management

Utilizing both KPIs and KRIs would provide a more systematic approach to risk management compared to relying solely on KPIs. For instance, within the supply chain context, KRIs may cover aspects, such as supplier performance, reporting accuracy, and emerging industry trends. This gives the organization a clear picture of all possible hazards and enables it to foresee and handle issues before they have an adverse effect on operations. Here are the overarching benefits of using KRIs in risk management:

  • Proactive identification: With KRIs, organizations can proactively detect potential risks before they occur. For example, by monitoring supplier performance to anticipate supply chain disruptions or analyzing industry trends to predict market shifts, organizations can minimize possible harm. This proactive approach enables early intervention and allows the organization to implement preventive measures.
  • Root cause analysis: KRIs encourage delving deeper than immediate events to identify the underlying root causes behind potential risks. For example, rather than simply reacting to a decrease in supplier performance, KRIs can signal organizations to uncover the reasons behind it, whether due to internal issues, external market forces, or other factors. By addressing root causes, organizations can develop more effective risk management strategies and prevent similar issues from recurring in the future. 
  • Decisions based on data: Integrating risk assessment into current data streams allows organizations to make informed decisions in real-time. By leveraging KRIs and building alerts or other KRI-based solutions, organizations can access timely and pertinent information to guide decision-making processes. For instance, by monitoring relevant data points, such as financial indicators, organizations can quickly identify emerging risks and take appropriate actions to manage them. This allows organizations to be resilient and agile in the face of uncertainty.

Implementing KRIs

Organizations must understand the relationship between risk and performance to improve cross-functional collaboration and incorporate risk concerns into business decisions. For the integration to be successful, KRIs should be reported and communicated effectively. To create KRIs and corresponding mitigation plans, the individual who oversees the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) process should work with the risk owners. The “risk owners,” who can effectively oversee their business units in line with their individual units’ risk goals, are the main benefactors of KRIs. 

Risk owners must evaluate KRI data pertaining to risks that impact their units on a frequent basis. It is important to acknowledge that the different methods for reviewing KRI data also depend on an organization’s functions. In addition, successful identification and implementation of KRIs also requires a structured approach with the following key steps: identifying key metrics, assessing gaps, improving metrics, validating and setting trigger levels, and establishing a risk control plan.

Harnessing the power of KRIs alongside KPIs emphasizes the link between successful risk management and successful organization outcomes. This encourages a proactive attitude to risk, in which mitigating risk is viewed as an investment in accomplishing corporate objectives rather than as a cost.

For further insight into KPIs and KRIs, consider exploring The KPI Institute’s Live Online Certified KPI Professional and Live Online Certified OKR Professional courses.


About the author

Nawaf Al Omari boasts over a decade of experience in optimizing teams and driving project management success. He excels at forecasting staffing needs, resource management, and fostering collaborations, with a 40% increase in stakeholder satisfaction. Prioritizing data-driven decision-making, he is adept at mitigating risks, tracking KPIs, and achieving cost reductions. Nawaf is strongly committed to delivering results and operational excellence.

A Look Into the KPI Selection Workshop Notification


Designing and implementing a Performance Management System (PMS) based on performance measurement tools such as key performance indicators (KPIs) is a thorough step-by-step process. It requires effective management of all the phases of the implementation process and proper allocation of responsibilities to all the stakeholders involved. With this, the KPI implementation project plan lays emphasis on conducting  KPI selection workshops.

Whether or not the PMS within your organization is comprehensive, KPIs can be measured across organizational layers: Corporate/Organizational, Divisional, Departmental, or Individual/Employee levels in accordance with the organizational context. For these performance indicators to be measured in standardized tools, such as a balanced scorecard, they need to be selected, and such selection should occur during dedicated meetings.

Such meetings require the attendance of specifically allocated stakeholders to provide constructive insights and foster a corporate community culture based on continuous improvement. As a line of practice, the participants of these workshops hold positions, such as department heads, strategists, performance analysts, members of the performance management office, and allocated members of the Board, all based on their availability. Note that other members could attend the workshops as per company practice. Attendance at these important meetings requires an invitation, though.

The invitation is a crucial, pre-workshop phase, as it sets the tone, pace, and mindset of the delegates who will join the event. Such invitation is generally in the form of an email with quite some content and attached materials. The email aims to provide contextualization and reasoning behind the request to certain members of the organization to attend the workshops. It is a request that comes from the Strategy Office or the Performance Management Office or whoever oversees the Performance Management practices in the organization, at least two to three weeks in advance of the date of the event.

What should be included in the KPI selection workshops invitation?

  • Brief introduction about the upcoming workshop;
  • Logistical information such as date, time, and location of the event;
  • Detailed KPI selection workshop agenda;
  • Reading materials and corporate documentation attached

What are the key documents to be attached to mentally prepare our participants and make this workshop a success?

  1. As a line of practice, it is recommended to share educational materials, prepared by the Performance Management Office, related to KPI selection, KPI Alignment practices, and Performance Measurement and Management tools. The delegates, whether or not they are practitioners in the field, are invited to go through the materials;
  2. Strategic and Performance Management tools linked to previous performance cycles, such as Corporate Strategy Plan, Organizational Scorecards, Dashboards, and Portfolio of Initiatives, must be included.
  3. In certain organizational contexts, a written note from top management and C-Suites may be added in order to highlight one factor: The involvement and support of top management in the design and implementation of the framework. This note could be very beneficial buy-in wise as well.

Setting the right tone and mindset in preparation for the workshop is very much advised. The delegates, especially after the workshops occur, will act as champions in disseminating knowledge and replicating the KPI best practices in their respective departments. Furthermore, it will support the ultimate purpose of securing the much-required buy-in from middle managers and employees across departments towards the PMS design.

If you would like to learn more about KPI selection practices and the follow-up activities to the KPI selection workshops, we kindly invite you to sign up for The KPI Institute’s Certified KPI Professional and Practitioner training course. It will lead you through all the phases of the KPI implementation project plan.

Wishing you the best of performance!

What is gaming?



Gaming is one type of unethical behavior which refers to influencing results through unapproved means, in order to ensure target achievement. Such a behavior is caused by an extensive focus on targets, as employees will do whatever it takes to achieve the established Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).


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