Performance management, and especially performance management at individual level is a hot topic, debated by HR professionals, managers, employees, academics, researchers and practitioners alike. In the past almost 50 years, ever since it started being formally implemented, both the process itself and the name used to describe it have gone through numerous changes. So what is in store for performance management?
Today’s working environment focuses on productivity, quality, innovation and organizational effectiveness. The qualities displayed by a top performer are consistent across industries and different sized companies, and people strive for success in a highly competitive environment.
Many believe that Customer Service is strictly linked to the direct contact that employees have with the customers of an organization. But this service extends beyond the front line of dealing with external customers. Customer Service also refers to how employees treat and support each other in delivering exceptional products and services to the customers who pay for them. This is called Internal Customer Service.
Definitions for employee satisfaction and employee engagement may differ from organization to organization. HR professionals would generally agree that satisfaction refers to how employees feel – their ‘happiness’ – related to their work environment, organizational culture, career development opportunities and overall compensation.
Nowadays, the performance assessment meeting represents a common practice that is, no longer, an uncomfortable event for either the employer, or the employee. Now that each party is familiar with this activity, the next arising matter regards how often should it be conducted? The frequency rate must take into consideration aspects that will enhance employee performance and also favor company and leaders’ resources.