Measuring performance in tutoring programs
Tutoring is a very broad concept and it is usually understood in different ways by different people, but there can be a general common understanding.
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Tutoring is a very broad concept and it is usually understood in different ways by different people, but there can be a general common understanding.
The e-learning revolution
By leveraging on the tremendous dynamic of nowadays technology development, more and more companies focus on the strategic role of continuous education of their employees while adopting e-learning tools to enhance their competences and knowledge.
If your intention of delivering a successful webinar is followed by questions such as: “When should I drop promotional emails?”, “Should I be worried if half of the registrants didn’t actually attend the webinar?”, “What kind of engagement tools should I use?,” then you should know that the answers are more simple than expected: Thursday. No. Polls. There are some guidelines to support a much greater return of the efforts.
Both in the professional and the personal contexts our lives, performance is greatly influenced by the manner in which we perceive ourselves: the roles we have been attributed, the tasks we undertake, the levels on which we interact with others.
When a class of kindergarten children was asked to think of new uses for a paper clip, 98% of them came up with so many new ideas that they were ranked as geniuses on the creativity scale. When the same children were tested again, five years later, only 50% of them scored genius levels. Another five years and that level fell even further. It is, thus, obvious, that the standardized educational process we go through gradually relinquishes us of our creative abilities, as Sir Ken Robinson, esteemed educationalist, the coordinator of the study, concluded. Nonetheless, over 1,500 CEOs, included in an IBM survey, isolated creativity as the number one characteristic a future leader must possess in order to surface the business world of today.