Designing A Festive Menu To Maximize Restaurant Profits

Restaurants served almost double the number of meals on Christmas Eve compared to the average day, in a survey conducted by OpenTable in 2015, and this trend has continued since.
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Restaurants served almost double the number of meals on Christmas Eve compared to the average day, in a survey conducted by OpenTable in 2015, and this trend has continued since.
Dealing with customers’ complaints should not always be seen as a negative experience. Customers’ complaints should be considered as a source of valuable information for business issues and any problems raised by your customer base.
To grow as a company is the goal every manager envisages and, by taking into account today’s trends, this involves more than simply looking at the return on investments.
Providing a training program in a service center means gaining and using skills and knowledge that lead to high performance, which entails having a high Customer Service Satisfaction in a fast, efficient way at low costs.
If the training is not perceived like that from the agent’s part and the management team, then the training is just a waste of time and resources, and can lead to losing valuable customers. What it should be understood is that the training is not done for “the sake of training”, but to have an impact on the service level and customer satisfaction.
It is no secret that in 2017 one of the most important topics of discussion in the business sector is related to customers.