The Value Flow Analysis (VFA) represents a Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) selection technique, focused on analyzing the value generated by a system at all stages: Input, Process, Output and Outcome. This technique is mostly used during the KPI selection workshop, in order to properly measure the value generated within each stage. For each objective, KPIs are selected for Input, Process, Output and Outcome. Based on this initial listing, the KPIs that best reflect the achievement of the objective are selected.
Data visualization is, roughly, the visual representation of information. From business executives and managers to business analysts or operations/manufacturing/supply chain managers, they all use charts, tables, histograms of other types of graphics to better visualize their data. Bar charts, line charts, scatter graphs and maps are simple examples of data visualization that have been used for decades.
While activating in a company, employees attend several training programs, which can be general or specific in nature. Even if a training is general, specific, technical or targets soft skills development, it can be either truly helpful or insignificant for the same employees, all this depending on the future actions taken.
According to Tylor, the founder of anthropology, culture is composed out of knowledge, beliefs, art, morals and any other capabilities inherited by a person in a certain society. Culture has a great impact on all the areas around us, from economy and politics, from education to social sectors.
Individual performance management systems, which offer employees and managers an opportunity to identify strengths and weaknesses in their performance and to establish new directions for improvement, imply following 6 key steps in order be properly implemented.