Strategy update: Rahul Deo Gupta, Dubai, 2014
In the first day of the Strategy Leaders Forum, held at The Address Hotel Dubai Marina, Rahul Deo Gupta has provided a presentation about strategy refreshing, ‘Effective strategy renew and refresh procedures to ensure long term business success’.
On this day, dedicated to strategy selection, the Corporate Head of Strategy, Planning, Operational Excellence of the Abunayyan Group from Saudi Arabia, Rahul Deo Gupta, followed these key points in his presentation:
- strategy clarity;
- structured approach in terms of strategy;
- cascading KPIs and initiatives.
In terms of performance evaluation, Rahul Deo Gupta encourages focusing on other business aspects, not just finance. He described the tendency to evaluate performance through a financial perspective, but emphasized that it is essential to review non-financial aspects in order to reach the desired performance.
In addition to this representative idea about where to look at when it comes to strategy, the second aspect treated in this expose is about how to look at data. The lack of clarity in strategy and objectives is the main barrier in the process of strategy review.
Source: Gupta, R. D. (2014, April). ‘Effective strategy renew and refresh procedures to ensure long term business success. Strategy Leaders Forum. Presentation conducted at the Strategy Leaders Forum, Dubai, UAE.
As a solution for the lack of clarity in terms of strategy and objectives, Rahul Deo Gupta proposes taking a structured approach, especially through using a strategy map. It helps to lay the foundation, clarify and make the strategy visible. At the same time, the strategy framework should entail both KPIs and initiatives cascading.
Source: Gupta, R. D. (2014, April). ‘Effective strategy renew and refresh procedures to ensure long term business success. Strategy Leaders Forum. Presentation conducted at the Strategy Leaders Forum, Dubai, UAE.
Overall, Rahul Deo Gupta mentions a series of critical success factors in the process of strategy refreshing:
- visionary leadership;
- initiative management;
- communication;
- right team;
- process orientation;
- IT as an enabler;
- reviews;
- prioritization;
- freedom to fail.
Image source:
- Gupta, R. D. (2014, April). ‘Effective strategy renew and refresh procedures to ensure long term business success. Strategy Leaders Forum. Presentation conducted at the Strategy Leaders Forum, Dubai, UAE.

Tags: IIRME, Performance in Dubai, Performance in UAE, Strategy Leaders Forum, The KPI Institute