The State of Employee Performance Management Report – 2017 Edition

The State of Employee Performance Management 2017 Global Edition reveals findings that cover 35 key topics related to employee appraisal, from the use of structured employee performance management systems to insights into the system’s dynamics (tools, coordination, periodicity), reward practices, satisfaction and software solutions used.
This international research study consolidates the insights of 500+ professionals and offers insight into today’s practices as related to employee performance management – EPM for short. The report provides data for 8 key areas related to EPM and offers an extensive overview on how individual performance is measured and rewarded in organizations worldwide:
1. Relevance of employee performance management
Assesses the importance given by professionals to this matter, as well as the actual priority of appraisal systems in organizations.
2. Employee performance management configuration
Collects data on the most common tools used by organizations to manage such a system.
3. Governance
Clarifies responsabilities and the coordination of employee performance management systems within an organization.
4. Timing
Highlights planning, accessing and reporting frequency of employee performance data.
5. Performance culture
Looks at how the individual performance management system is integrated within the organizational culture.
6. Pay-for- performance
Reflects upon the popularity of different reward types.
7. Software solution
Indicates employee performance management software features that are important for users.
8. Satisfaction
Reveals satisfaction drivers for employees in relation to individual performance management systems.
Our comprehensive report will prove highly useful to executive managers & HR professionals alike, as well as entrepreneurs and analysts interested in employee performance management. Order until the 20th of September and get a FREE copy of the report. After that, the pricing will be $495.

Tags: Employee Performance, Research, The KPI Institute