Shedding light on outcome-based Performance Management

Between the 25th and 27th of May, the state sector shall be in the limelight. The University of Palermo is organizing the 7th edition of its well-known workshop – ”Azienda Pubblica”, where the effects, results and ramifications of varying public policies are analyzed in-depth, with the intention of looking at how the public sector can integrate performance management measures in order to improve their decision-making and project design.
As such, a few critical issues shall be explored, among which are:
- Is a performance measurement system being adopted by public sectors worldwide?
- Is it used properly for enhancing decision-making?
- Does this system put a strain on the relationship between policy-makers, public managers and external stakeholders?
- What drives the integration, use and ultimately effectiveness of performance management in the state sector?
- When does a PM system have merely a symbolic objective?
- What does the future hold for performance within state sectors?
The workshop will include a symposium, “The Paradigm Shift from Output to Outcome Measures in the Public Sector”. During this symposium, the focus shall be on the recent changes within public sectors, which have mainly started to concentrate more on measuring the value of their output by the quality and performance of the outcome.
Both theoretical and empirical points of view are to be explored, in an effort to better understand this trend, and also get a grasp of how it affects the relationship between different organizational units within the same municipality, job sector or region, when it comes to generating public value.
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Tags: Azienda Pubblica Workshop - 2016, Government performance, Performance Management Events, Public sector