In the last 15 years, more and more universities all around the world added university degrees with a Performance Management specialization in their curriculum. The degrees vary from certificate to bachelor, master and MBA.One of the world’s top business schools, Wharton Business School from University of Pennsylvania (USA), has established bachelor and MBA degrees specializing […]
Hardware Software INTEGERPERFORM SPIDER STRATEGIES INTEGERPERFORM is The KPI Institute’s representive in Europe and it has been activating since 2009. It offers training and consultancy services in the field of performance management.The KPI Institute is the global authority on Key Performance Indicators research and education. It was founded 10 years ago, in Australia and it […]
Software Hardware INTEGERPERFORM SPIDER STRATEGIES INTEGERPERFORM is The KPI Institute’s representive in Europe and it has been activating since 2009. It offers training and consultancy services in the field of performance management.The KPI Institute is the global authority on Key Performance Indicators research and education. It was founded 10 years ago, in Australia and it […]
Documentaries ▶ Design the New Business (2011) The evolving relationship between design and business is illustrated and discussed in insightful interviews and inspiring case studies. ▶ Capitalism: A Love Story An examination of the social costs of corporate interests pursuing profits at the expense of the public good. ▶ BBC Three – Secrets of […]