Risk Management: Steven Barlow, Dubai, 2014
At the Strategy Leaders Forum, the presentation “Risk Management: Coordinating a common approach to strategic risk management across holding and individual business units to maximize shareholder value for the long term at Dubai Holding” was held by Steven Barlow, Senior Vice President and Head of Strategic Risk Management at Dubai Holding, UAE.
The main topics included in the presentation:
- How to take the right decisions;
- Risk objectives.
One of the ideas emphasized by Steven Barlow is that the right information to the right people at the right time represent the right decisions. Implementing risk as a process, taking risk intelligent solutions and reporting represent the necessary steps for making the right decisions.
In the context of correlating risk objectives and rewards in Dubai Holding, Steven Barlow cited Mark Zuckerberg, who said that “The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks”.
Steven Barlow mentions that implementing a risk management system requires the identification of the owner of each individual risk. The challenge stands in adopting an integrated risk management approach, taking into account the process, the information exchange, the effective structure and decision making, all while having a common understanding of risks.
Source: Steven Barlow, Strategy Leaders Forum, 2014.
Image source:
- Barlow, S. (2014, April). Risk Management: Coordinating a common approach to strategic risk management across holding and individual business units to maximize shareholder value for the long term at Dubai Holding. Presentation conducted at the Strategy Leaders Forum, Dubai, UAE.

Tags: IIRME, Performance in Dubai, Performance in UAE, Strategy Leaders Forum, The KPI Institute