R&D Investment and Performance around the world – a European Commision report
The Science, Technology and Competitiveness key figures report 2008/2009, released by the European Commission, presents a thorough analysis and overview of the evolution of R&D investment and performance in Europe. The report is considered an attempt to monitor the progress and efficiency of implementing performance measures by the European research system.
Research is considered a key competitive asset in a global world as science, technology and patent applications are more widely distributed every year. Between 2000 and 2006 the investment in R&D increased in Europe by 14,8%, comparable with the US and Japan, where figures show a growth of 10.1 % and 21.9 % respectively.
The analysis of the participation shares in global R&D indicates that almost 80 % of researchers work outside the EU, 75 % of gross domestic expenditure on R&D (GERD) is executed in other world regions, and 69 % of patent applications are made outside the EU. This indicates a declining world share of GERD and patent applications, both for the US and for the European Union (European Commission, 2008).
The main conclusions of the report are:
- Despite encouraging progress on increasing the amount of investment in R&D, the R&D intensity of EU-27 has remained unchanged, as countries with increasing R&D intensities do not have very high shares of EU-27 GDP.
- Higher returns for private investment in R&D favor structural change, such as high-growth SMEs and higher demand and a single market for research-intensive products (European Commission, 2008).
- European Research Area (ERA) integration is a key competitive factor for increasing the effectiveness of the European research system, due to its cost-effectiveness and framework conditions attractiveness.
The Key Performance Indicators used within this report are:
- % R&D intensity (GERD as a % of GDP)
- % Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D (GERD – % Real Growth)
- # Patents applications
- # Researchers
For further examples of performance indicators, explore the R&D KPI examples section of the library of KPI examples available on smartkpis.com (smartKPIs.com, 2010).
- European Commission (2008), The Science, Technology and Competitiveness key figures report 2008/2009
- smartKPIs.com (2010), R&D KPI examples
Image Source:
- European Commission, 2008

Tags: Government, KPI in Practice, Research