Performance Events: Improving Performance and Getting Profitable Growth in Difficult Times
19 May 2011
Time: 16.50 (registration), 17.20 (introduction) – 21.00
Location: University of London, Senate House
Cost: £25.00
News of a 0.5 percent contraction in UK’s economy shocked the whole business community. In a challenging time when many of us fear a double-dip recession and face increasing uncertainties and competition, what can managers do to improve individual and organisational performance and achieve a profitable growth?
Following a successful joint event in 2010 on employee engagement, AIM Research and the Chartered Management Institute work together again this year and invite leaders from government, academia, and industries to explore how businesses can move forward in difficult times. The event includes two sessions:
The Managerial Change
During the first session, we look into challenges faced by managers. Our invited speakers will provide various insights including the policy framework of the growth agenda, ways in which results of management research can be used to practical effect in improving performance and the particular importance of effective management of people.
Lord John Eatwell – a companion of the CMI
Panel Speakers:
Ken Warwick – Director of Analysis, BIS
Professor Andy Neely – Deputy Director, AIM
Tony McCandless CMgr FCMI – Global Services Delivery Business Transformation Lead, Dell
The Global Perspective
In this session we will look at the topic with a global perspective. Our joint chairs will each provide a wider perspective on some of the issues, particularly focussing attention on the challenges from both Asia and the Pacific. The session will then be open for a general Q and A.
Panel Speakers:
Louis Turner – Chief Executive, Asia-Pacific Technology Network
Professor Simon Collinson – AIM Ghoshal Fellow / Professor of International Business & Innovation, Warwick Business School
The evening will conclude with a networking drinks reception.
To book your place please click here
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Tags: Andy Neely, Organizational Performance