On engaging talent with Liz Wiseman at the HR Summit and Expo 2014
The Guru Presentation “The art of engaging talent” was offered, on the second day of the HR Summit and Expo 2014, by Liz Wiseman, who was listed on the Thinkers50 ranking and named as one of the top 10 leadership thinkers in the world.
Her presentation focused on explaining the aspects that differentiate the leaders who multiply talent and intelligence from the ones who drain it.
1. “Multipliers”
In Liz Wiseman’s opinion, multipliers are those leaders who act like liberators, challengers and investors, who use their intelligence and business acumen to amplify the intelligence of others by provoking and challenging them. They encourage, inspire, ask questions and respect other people’s ideas, give constructive feedback and offer people freedom to design their own solutions.
2. “Diminishers”
According to Liz Wiseman, these are the leaders who give people small tasks, without offering them a big picture of their contribution, who ignore or refuse other people’s ideas, who give orders and don’t believe in the existence of the latent intelligence and who manage every detail. People working for “diminishers” feel exhausted and undermined.
Liz Wiseman also identified the following types of leaders, based on their behavior:
- The “always on” leader;
- The “rescue guy”;
- The “pacesetter”;
- The “rapid respondent / the optimist”.

Tags: HR Summit and Expo 2014, Human Resources performance, Performance in UAE