On employee capacity and engagement, with Karen Dobbie, at HR Summit and Expo 2014
The presentation “Building Employee Capacity and Engagement: Innovative Approach at the Scarborough Hospital in Canada” was held, in the first day of HR Summit and Expo 2014, by Karen Dobbie, Director, Human Resources and Occupational Health, The Scarborough Hospital.
According to Karen Dobbie, within an organization talent should be:
- Inspired
- Cultivated
- Aligned
- Rewarded
- Evaluated

The Scarborough Hospital’s Director of Human Resources and Occupational Health considers that “organizations that endear are those that endure”. In order to illustrate her belief, Karen Dobbie presented the case study of a Career Cruse implemented in her organization, a program that brought high school students into the hospital, in order to offer them an idea of what they want to become, with the purpose of preparing future workforce.

Tags: HR Summit and Expo 2014, Human Resources performance, Performance in UAE