On creating and implementing strategic decisions with Samer Abdulhadi and Andrey Pavlov, at the PMA 2014 Conference
The presentation “Strategic decisions creation-implementation process: An empirical study“ was offered, on the third day of the PMA 2014 Conference, by researcher Samer Abdulhadi and Andrey Pavlov, Lecturer in Business Performance Management at Cranfield University.
Their research study proposes a decisions creation-implementation process (SDCI), which is discussed and analyzed in details. Some of their most important findings are:
- A successful Strategic Decision (SD) implementation process is not only about making good decisions, but also about putting a lot of efforts and considering a broad range of factors;
- Decisions are made based on ongoing discussions and debates on directions and alternatives, supported by preliminary financial analysis;
- Before implementing a SD, several stages of checking are required. A mobilization stage comes first, followed by formalizing the SD and the “Operate” stage.
The SDCI process the two researchers proposed offers a clear connection between creation and implementation, offering insights into how SD’s are made and implemented in practice. Their future objective is to apply the process into practice and use it to diagnose the SDs.

Tags: PMA 2014 Conference, Strategy