On collaborative performance with Mary Jo Hall at the PMA 2014 Conference
The presentation “Disciplined collaborative performance as the road to results” was offered, in the second day of the PMA 2014 Conference, by Mary Jo Hall, from Gambrough Group, DeVry University, and Association for Talent Development, USA.
The purpose of her research was creating a program that would encourage leadership qualities and innovation within a group of education doctoral students. The “Educational Leadership Studio” had its roots in several main drivers:
- The belief that a key component of school success is forward-thinking leadership practiced on a daily basis;
- The appreciation for how the world has changed, mainly the way people gather, use and share information;
- The motivation each team member had to “make things better”.
The Studio had three components:
- On-site labs, where participants could work together
- Virtual sessions, where participants could interact at any point
- Interactive connections
Another aspect that Mary Jo Hall emphasized consists of the levels the initiatives were taken at as part of the project:
- Organizational Leadership level
- Project level
- Personal level
The three main outcomes that the project had are:
- Continuing the online interactions between participants
- Implementation of an Action Learning Project
- Printing a book that summarizes the main findings of the project

Tags: Leadership, PMA 2014 Conference