Managing change: Wijnand Van Till, Dubai, 2014
In the first day of the Strategy Leaders Forum, held at The Address Hotel Dubai Marina, Wijnand Van Till has provided a presentation about ‘Implementing change initiatives to improve performance and efficiency at Etisalat’. This day of conference was reserved for topics pertaining to strategy selection.
Wijnand Van Till is the Vice President Sales Strategy at Etisalat. His presentation followed these key points:
- The process of strategy updating;
- Challenges faced during the process.
Wijnand Van Till highlights that, in practice, strategy means lots of Excel documents and PowerPoint presentations. Updating strategy is hard work and implies weeks of full-day workshops at different levels, with different teams, in different locations, for different topics. It requires preparation and coordination, external and internal analysis, discussions and debates, scenarios and impact analysis.
Etisalat’s new strategy implementation represented a moment when the company needed to change. In their change management journey, the company faced both internal and external challenges in terms of:
- Competition and customer expectations;
- Establishing a solid foundation for change or searching for immediate results;
- Partnerships and acquisitions;
- Resources, systems, governance and culture.
Source: Wijnand Van Till, Strategy Leaders Forum, Dubai, 2014.
In the first day of the Strategy Leaders Forum, held at The Address Hotel Dubai Marina, Wijnand Van Till has provided a presentation about ‘Implementing change initiatives to improve performance and efficiency at Etisalat’. This day of conference was reserved for topics pertaining to strategy selection.
Wijnand Van Till is the Vice President Sales Strategy at Etisalat. His presentation followed these key points:
- The process of strategy updating;
- Challenges faced during the process.
Wijnand Van Till highlights that, in practice, strategy means lots of Excel documents and PowerPoint presentations. Updating strategy is hard work and implies weeks of full-day workshops at different levels, with different teams, in different locations, for different topics. It requires preparation and coordination, external and internal analysis, discussions and debates, scenarios and impact analysis.
Etisalat’s new strategy implementation represented a moment when the company needed to change. In their change management journey, the company faced both internal and external challenges in terms of:
- Competition and customer expectations;
- Establishing a solid foundation for change or searching for immediate results;
- Partnerships and acquisitions;
- Resources, systems, governance and culture.
Regarding the success of the change, Wijnand Van Till mentioned that so far it worked in some areas and the company is closer to success, continuing to improve.
Image source:
- Van Till, Wijnand (2014, April). Implementing change initiatives to improve performance and efficiency at Etisalat. Strategy Leaders Forum. Presentation conducted at the Strategy Leaders Forum, Dubai, UAE.

Tags: IIRME, Performance in Dubai, Performance in UAE, Strategy Leaders Forum, The KPI Institute