KPIs and Sustainability Performance at the Johnson Matthey Company
Johnson Matthey is an international special chemicals company underpinned by science, technology and its people. A leader in sustainable technologies, many of the group’s products enhance the quality of life of millions through their beneficial impact on the environment, human health and wellbeing.
Technology leadership forms the basis of Johnson Matthey’s strategy to deliver superior long term growth and they are continuously investing in R&D to develop the next generation of sustainable products for the company’s customers. For Johnson Matthey, good performance is not just about profit. It is about running its business in the most sustainable and responsible way. Therefore, the company identified five elements of sustainability which have a material impact on the business.
Johnson Matthey uses a range of key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor the group’s performance over time in line with its strategy. These include key measures of the group’s financial performance as well as KPIs to monitor ongoing investment in facilities and in R&D. In addition, the group also uses KPIs to track the carbon footprint of its operations and to measure and drive continuous improvement in the safety, wellbeing and development of its employees.
Johnson Matthey has an impact on the environment in many ways: through the resources used, the way they operate their processes and the action of their products and services on enhancing the environment for others.
Johnson Matthey is committed to minimizing the health and safety related impacts for employees, customers, communities and other stakeholders arising from its operations and from its products in use.
In Johnson Matthey there is a strong tradition of looking after its employees, of good community relations and of interaction with and responsiveness towards its stakeholders. In order to measure its performance in this area, the following KPIs are closely monitored and reported:
From its early days as a precious metals assayer, the company has always sought to build on its strengths and respond to changing global needs. Today the group continues to apply its expertise in science to develop world leading products and technologies for customers around the world.

Tags: Environment performance, Health and Safety, KPI, Performance in UK