KPI of the Day – Utilities: % Electricity supply not restored within 2 hours

Measures the percentage of electricity supply interruptions that were not restored within a 2-hour time frame, out of the total electricity supply interruptions recorded within the reporting period.
Electricity supply losses can occasionally arise because of damaged networks, or a planned interruption to facilitate essential works on the network.
To reflect on the speed and efficiency of restoring the electricity supply. The reliability degree of electricity supply systems is typically measured by considering the duration, frequency and scale of service interruptions. This KPI assesses the first element, the duration of interruptions.
The consequences of power outages can vary from generating inconveniences, to strongly impacting companies and organizations and even endangering the safety of citizens. The efficiency with which utility companies manage electricity supply interruptions is crucial both for themselves and their customers. The timeliness in power restoration is therefore considered their top priority.
The reasons why a spontaneous loss of electricity supply may occur can include on the one hand damages to the electricity network, power lines or power stations, due to natural phenomena, various types of accidents or due to shortages caused by the provider’s inability to satisfy electricity demands.
On the other hand, planned interruptions – also called planned outages, are scheduled events, purposefully induced by providers to facilitate essential maintenance or repair activities.
Considering the crucial importance of a reliable electricity supply, it is the responsibility of the utility company to strictly monitor the flow of electricity, to assess its performance level, and to ensure that the supply is restored as quickly as possible in the case of power outages. For the same objective, preventive maintenance and prompt interventions must take place in order to ensure a quick reparation time.
Therefore, % Electricity supply not restored within 2 hours must be carefully monitored, whereby the following best practices apply:
- Developing clear guidelines with regards to the criteria of assessing the gravity of a power outage in order to plan the proper intervention methods;
- Designating and implementing quick response strategies so as to ensure timely power restorations;
- Planning and executing training programs for the reparation team, aimed at improving maintenance quality and the timeliness of interventions;
- Setting up systems that automatically identify malfunctions in the distribution network and subsequently notify the electricity provider;
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Tags: KPI, Utilities performance