KPI of the Day – Utilities: # System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI)

The # System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) measures the average outage duration, in minutes, of supply interruptions that a customer experiences during a reporting period.
As reported by the IEEE Standard 1366-1998, the median value for North American utilities, for example, is about 90 minutes duration per customer.
To monitor the duration of interruptions, thus indicating the reliability of the electricity supply.
Furthermore, if we take into consideration that the results of the # System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) and the results of % Customers satisfaction should be inversely proportional, correlating the two indicators when analyzing data could help organizations learn how their performance in supply interruptions influences customers’ satisfaction.
For the fastest developing utilities sector, it is only normal that an increased attention given to operations management would prove to be beneficial. During the recent benchmarking study deployed by The KPI Institute, we have noticed that Electricity utilities tend to report about 10% more operations-related indicators, compared to customers or human capital-related indicators and 20% more when compared to environmental impact indicators.
Measuring # SAIDI can prove to be quite a challenge for an organization, therefore we recommend the following:
- Report this indicator along with # System Average Interruption Frequency Index, as it does not provide information about the frequency of interruptions;
- Maintain a reliable record of interruptions;
- Maintain a reliable record of customer complaints related to supply interruptions, as it allows companies to establish correlations between complaints and the duration of interruptions.
If you are interested in more Utilities-related KPIs, subscriptions provide access to +500 KPI examples. Our dedicated Library contains relevant resources to improve your KPI practices, and if you want to further improve your knowledge, feel free to explore our latest Utilities-focused publication – The Performance Benchmarking Report Series.
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Tags: KPI, Utilities performance